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We regularly organize project teams visiting our partners to assist with specific tasks and we invite volunteers to join us. These visits last between three to four weeks.  We also organises individual placements: for example: people with foster caring experience, those with an interest in building and construction, classroom assistants, primary/junior teachers, occupational and physiotherapists.


If you have a specific skill which might be useful on one of our projects please discuss it with us. There are many ways to contribute.  We can also put you in touch with our colleagues at HATW UK for a wider range of opportunities.

Besides practical skills, volunteers give encouragement to our partners overseas and they are often a catalyst for change – the fact that we keep in contact and make return visits, sometimes with the same volunteers or new ones, shows that we believe in them and want to stay with them in their efforts to improve lives for young people.

For volunteers too it can be a life-changing experience. As one volunteer said:


“I personally benefited hugely from my volunteering with HATWJ. I have learnt of a fascinating culture with a rich heritage, and have gained a deeper appreciation of the situations developing countries face. I have also been inspired by the determination and positivity of the people I have met. They have inspired me to do more with my own life.”

We will work with volunteers to prepare them for the experience of living and working in a different community and foreign conditions.

Copyright - 2016 Hands Around the World Jersey
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