GS ST PAUL MUKO SCHOOL is a thriving all age school with over 3,200 pupils, the only school in the town to offer advanced level studies. In 2019 we celebrated ten years of partnership with the school. Our first project in 2010 was to build five classrooms to enable the school to start secondary classes. Since then, volunteers have visited the school every year to assist with an ongoing maintenance and school improvement programme. With the help of Ceri Thomas, a lecturer in teaching English as a Foreign Language, we are also helping teachers to improve their English. In 2019 we embarked on an ambitious construction project, building six new classrooms over existing classrooms. Rwanda is such a crowded country that space is at a premium. There is no other way to expand. This project was completed in May 2020 and we look forward to finally having the chance to visit this development. The transformation of this school since our first visit has been remarkable. It is a model for what can be achieved by good local management and an excellent teaching staff.